
Welcome to the last week before Christmas break, and the third week of advent.

Students are reminded that we are now in regular dress code. If you are not sure what that means consult the student handbook, the link is below.

This week students may dress down all week, for the fee of $10.

This Wednesday the Foroige raffle begins, and we will be judging our annual Christmas door decorating contest. We will also be holding our annual Christmas concert at 7 pm.

On Thursday we will be holding the annual school raffle draw.

On Friday we will be holding our annual "Lesson & Carols" in our auditorium, this means we will follow the mass schedule, shortening the duration of classes. Christmas vacation will begin at dismissal.

Faculty: for our spirit week

WednesdayWe ask everyone to wear Christmas colors: Red, green, white, silver, and gold.

Thursday: Christmas pajamas!  Wear your favorite Christmas onesies, Christmas pajamas.

Faculty & Dressed down students who have paid.

Friday: Ugly Christmas Sweater!  Wear your favorite Ugly Christmas Sweater!  The uglier, the better!  

We wish everyone a most Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year. Classes resume Thursday 1/2/25.

Our schedule for the next two weeks:

Week 15 (12/16 to 12/20)

Mon:  Day 5, Tue: Day 6, Wed: Day 1, Thu: Day 2, Fri: Day 3

Week 16 (1/2/25 to 1/3/25)

Mon - Wed:  School Closed, Thu: Day 4, Fri: Day 5

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